
The Ultimate Blue Print to Starting a project management career.

What Is A Project
In this section, you will learn what a project is for better understanding of the concept “Project Management”.
Defining what a project is and how it is managed is an essential first step in grasping the concepts behind project management. A project, in its simplest form, is just a set of steps that must be taken to achieve a desired result. A
project can also be thought of as the inputs and outcomes that must be produced in order to accomplish some objective. One person or one hundred people can oversee 17a wide variety of different types of projects. It is common
practice for a management or executive to describe and assign projects. They lay out what is expected of them and what they hope to accomplish, and then it is up to the team to organize everything and get the job done on schedule. There are instances when deadlines must be set. Some groups find it helpful to divide up a project into smaller, more manageable jobs in order to distribute
responsibility and make the most of everyone’s skills.
An effective way to achieve both professional and personal objectives is to use projects as a framework.
Improvements in performance are anticipated as a result of the project completion process adjustments. Experts from several departments need to collaborate on office projects. When doing an assignment for school or college,
it is common practice to work with other students to ensure success. As you work on a personal project, you’ll likely be coordinating with members of your immediate family or circle of acquaintances. Since the project is a joint effort, though, one individual can take credit for it.
No matter how many years a project lasts, it is still just temporary. This is due to the fact that the purpose of projects is to effectively address unique challenges and meet defined objectives. Consequently, the scope of the project is established by the complexity of the issue it sets out to address. However, the value of project management in businesses extends much beyond the
management of project resources such as time, money, 18
outputs, and scope. Project management makes a difference because of the value and efficiency it provides. 
The project manager has complete authority over the undertaking and strives to ensure that everyone involved is on the same page at all times. This allows teams working on a project to work together on tasks while also taking
responsibility for, and aligning with, the project’s vision.
Characteristics of A Project In this section, you will learn the characteristics of an
outstanding project.
From experience we’ve learned over the years that there a number of key “project” characteristics. These characteristics are elements that make a project a project.
Projects are not homogeneous. Each project is different in itself. The distinctive characteristics of a project are as follows: 
Objectives: Every project is started with some objective or goal viz. time, budget, quality, and quantity, when objectives are fulfilled project because existing. You can initially define the objectives of the project what actually need to achieve. Objectives are the key characteristics of the project where you will see the progress of the project and time to time analysis will show you the result of how
much you have achieved.
Life Span: For the reasons we’ve discussed, projects are only ever meant to be short-term endeavors. This means that there is a beginning and an end to every project, and 19 that inside that time frame the idea, the plan, the execution, and the final product are all born, planned, executed, and delivered. No project can be ceaseless and indefinite. It must have one and beyond which it cannot
proceed. Every project is invariably time-bound. At the time of planning, you will see the time phase of the project where the team can work independently on the project modules. Let’s consider an example project that is divided into three modules let’s say A, B, and C. If the total time span of a project is 5 months then you can set the time span for modules independently like a can complete in 2
months and also B can complete in 2 months and C can complete in 1 month as per requirement. After all goals are accomplished, the project is considered complete.
Limitations on the project’s scope, quality, and budget must also be considered. Thus, project objectives are established within the constraints of the available means.
Some initiatives, however, have been scrapped before their scheduled completion date or before their objectives were completed. When it becomes obvious that continuing with the project would be futile, this is a common outcome.

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